I’ve always had ringing on all of my Cubicon Single prints. They usually appear after sharp corners… changing speed doesn’t help and it seems to be an issue with printer acceleration which I cannot change.
Do you also have these problems and have you been able to resolve them?
I have the same problem with certain prints on my Flashforge Creator Pro and Qidi Tech I. I’ve tried many different speed settings and print orientation, and I can’t remedy the problem either. I would love some help with this too.
Most likely caused by insufficient belt tension
My outline is being printed at 30mm/s so it’s definitely not too fast.
Curious if anyone with Cubicons has been able to resolve it though…
I don’t have a Cubicon but have that exact ringing on one of my prints on my Flashforge Creator Pro. As I noted before, I’ve tried multiple speed settings, rotating 45 and 90 degrees, printed the object flat, added and removed perimeter layers and nothing helped.
I found a lot of talk about acceleration, but didn’t want to mess with my firmware. Now I have a QIDI Tech I that is about the same as the FFCP, so this morning I changed my acceleration settings in the firmware and the ringing is much less visible. I will post pictures later this afternoon (it’s still printing).
I suggest looking into firmware acceleration settings on your Cubicon.
These are the changes I made. I may need to tweak a little more, but this made a big difference from what I can see so far:
Changed “X and Y max acceleration” from 1,000 to 750
Changed “X and Y max speed change” from 15 to 6
Changed “Right and Left extruder max acceleration” from 2,000 to 1,000
Changed “Right and Left extruder max speed change” from 20 to 10
I hope this helps. I’ve been struggling with this issue for a long time myself.
The only problem is that there is no way for me to update firmware. Cubicon doesnt let me do that.
This is a great pity.
The Cubicon are one of the best printers available anywhere and it certainly shouldn’t be doing that.
It’s a shame that you didn’t send it back as soon as you noticed the quality. You won’t be able to do much now (unless it’s under warranty) except pay for repairs, because if the Cubicon has a weakness at all, it’s the inability to end service.
Why did you put up with it doing that out of the box?
from what I was told Cubicon singles just do that and the manufacturer is very unhelpful. The distributor is also not able to help much,…
“from what I was told Cubicon singles just do that”
Who told you that?
Cubicons are one of THE most reliable printers on the market, they don’t ‘just do that’
You were sold a turkey from someone who KNEW they were selling you a turkey.
Get in contact with HyVision, explain to them that one of their retail partners are bringing disrepute on the Cubicon/HyVision name (WRITE ALL OF THIS!), explain what has happened with your machine, provide the above pic and explain how unhelpful your retailer has been… ALSO, tell Cubicon that this whole experience has soured you on their PRODUCT LINE and that because of this fiasco you wouldn’t feel comfortable choosing HyVision products again, or recommending them to anyone (BE CIVIL).
You’ll get a nice apologetic reply, and a solution for your problems.
HyVision are a very good company, just deal with them. I’m awaiting the release of the Single plus and have been in contact with them a few times, if you don’t get a proper answer and solution post back, because I’ll be contacting them again… I’m not paying £2500 to a company I can’t guarantee satisfaction from… I will admit though, I find your issue surprising compared to all I know about the company.