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Jan 2017

Hi Guys,

I’m wondering if it’s normal to have a high views number in search results on the Hub dashboard and not get many orders.

I subscribed in mid September 2016, I have 2800+ visits so far but got only ONE order thanks to 3D Hubs, the other order I have is from friend I know in RL.

My Ratio is 0.03%.

Can anyone share their ratios please ?

Obviously visibility isn’t an issue as I’m getting 30+ views per day. What can I do to improve this ?

Thanks a lot.

  • created

    Jan '17
  • last reply

    Jan '17
  • 7


  • 712


  • 5


While my hub was very active the first part of 2016… my hub has been nearly dead for the last few months so you are not alone on this.
Looks like there was some changes in how hubs are arranged in the search results and as I don’t specify a shipping rate it gives my hub a bad image.

Also sorry I can’t share my ratio as my “dashboard” page apparently is broken this morning it just sits loading and never shows anything.

Hey Dustin, what a surprise I wasn’t expeting you at all, this is my 1st post BTW :smiley:

Maybe the high views ratio vs no orders reflects a bad presentation of my profile :frowning:

I’ll probably make some more 3D prints to showcase and take better quality pics with my DSLR instead of my old Nexus 5

Keep up the good work, and if you could make a video to share your experience with 3D Hubs that would be great.

I am at 115 orders for 61300 views. The views also just mean you showed up on the page, but when theres 9 other printers you need to stand out somehow. But theres more factors than views for why orders arent received.

  • Location - 3d printing might not be big in your area
  • Other hubs - older hubs in area might be getting the orders since they have more reviews
  • Pricing - are you competitive with other hub prices, being the lowest or highest isnt always the best. you want a middle area
  • Filament choices - Have only a few types or few color of filament limits your orders. More types and colors casts a wider net of possible orders
  • Printer used - Having a name brand printer such as Ultimaker and such sometimes helps, people know its a good printer and will get good prints then. Also sometimes Ive had orders for people wanting to see quality of prints before they purchase same model

Theres probably lots of other factors too.

Hi Kirby,

Thanks for your feedback, very helpful.

Just to confirm that people are going away for some reason (bad presentation, no big brand printer etc) I’ll try to make my profile more attractive and start by printing some more colorful prints to show what my printer is capable of, because my current profile shows black pla prints and people can’t see the details… and then wait for some results before taking other actions.

My prices aren’t the highest in my area so I’m definitely expecting to get some orders.

I will definitely not give up because I love what I do.

Adding to keebie81’s list, more gallery images can help. I would recommend purchasing a small photo booth off of amazon or another website. The few gallery images you have are not attractive especially the black prints. Print some designs that have detail or complexity to them to showcase more of the quality your printer can achieve. Try printing something from myminifactory, cults3d, or pinshape.com.

I’ve also noticed that the surface quality on the 3dbenchy and jack-o-lantern images you have posted in your gallery are not great and looks like you had extrusions issues at the time? Bit of a turn off to customers.

Other than that, you need to market yourself. Use social media and 3dprint forums to drive traffic. Print and post images there and link back to your hub page.

You really want to know? 7463 views, zero orders, unless you count the 3D Hubs one. My hub has been active since Jan of last year. Just not a lot of interest in my area, or my prices are too high. Not sure which, or if it is something else totally.

Your prices seem fine. Could be just interest in your area but on the other hand how actively do you promote your hub? I’ve also noticed you don’t have any shipping pricing or offer one day shipping which could have affect on your hub. Other Hubs near your location have set shipping prices where as you ship Postal with an undefined price. I suggest researching what shipping Priority mail costs in your location as those are generally set prices and package size matters little as long it is a priority box.