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Nov 2016

A few months ago I said I was going to build a 3D printed robot, but was unsure about what electronics to use for controlling it. I was overwhelmed with comments after posting on the site so really appreciate all of the responses from you guys.

After acquiring a Raspberry Pi 3 two months ago I’ve made no progress. I’m aiming to use java to control the GPIO pins, but can’t seem to work out how to get it to work.

Does anyone know of a free course or resource that I can use to efficiently use the GPIO pins? Is there another, more useful forum to ask this on? Or could someone offer to teach me?

I’ve not got much to pay towards expensive courses or programs, plus wouldn’t want to waste money on courses that don’t actually work.

I would really appreciate your help.


  • created

    Nov '16
  • last reply

    Feb '17
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  • 3


Hey there,

If you think on using an Raspberry pi instead of an Arduino i would go with Python. There´s a good python tutorial over at http://www.codecademy.com 1. You can Learn how to programm python directly in their Browser Plugin… just Great for starters. But i would revisit the descision on using an Pi over an Arduino. If you have More questions wich one to use and why just plob them here… i will visit from day to day and Awnser them.

Best Regards,



2 months later

If you want a good resource for GPIO control via java, look at the Pi4J Project. http://pi4j.com/ 1

Also, you may try the adafruit forum for your Pi GPIO questions as they have a huge community of Pi folks that have experience with Java GPIO control.