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Mar 2018

Hi, I plan to buy a N2/N2+. I read that some users have issues with the dual version especially the 2nd nozzle hitting the print. If I upgrade to Bontech’s product, will I have this issue? Currently no plan to use dual extruders but I may need it later. In case I may upgrade to Bontech’s product later, which is the simplest and trouble-less upgrade path (buying single extruder version and additional parts from Raise3D for the 2nd extruder later or buying the dual version and only order the Bontech’s product later)?

  • created

    Mar '18
  • last reply

    Aug '18
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  • 2


5 months later


I recently bought a Raise 3D N2 Plus with the dual extruder. I have encountered the issue with the dual extruder dragging and hitting the print. I in the process of further adjustments to try to get rid of that problem but I am not there yet. I did remove one of the extruders and made a print with that and everything worked fine. Other than a few other minor details, the dual dragging problem is my only complaint.

I can’t comment on the Bontech extruder stuff.

Looks like you posted a while ago but hope that helps.