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Mar 2017

Buildtak is a texture surface with a self adhesive backing that you apply to the glass printing bed. The textured surface helps the first layer stick to the plate. Buildtak works best with PLA. Problems with build tak is that it’s kinda expensive, wears out and can be easily damaged when you sue a scraper to remove prints.

No problem, it’s a build surface you put on the top of the glass sheet. It keeps your object adhered to the base as it prints.

does it work good with nylon and ninjaflex/polyflex too?

where do you buy it? can you get it thru Raise?

It’s a great extruder but the bondtech is unique in how it handles flexible filament. General printing performance is great without the upgrade.

The bondtech upgrade isn’t necessary unless you really need it or just want to. The V2 extruder are actually very good. The biggest issue I have is with heat buildup in the metal block that it’s made of when using abs and other high temp filaments. Just make sure any parts you print to put on the block like a filament guide are not pla.

That’s funny. I busted the same ends top because I was manually pulling it back too hard. Just email the customer service and they will create a listing for you to buy a couple if they aren’t available on the parts page.

I’ve have decided to move forward with the Raise 3d n2 plus. Wish me luck. Lol

Great, please share your experiences! Feel free to give me a call if you’d like to answer a few more questions before your order: 859-903-5857

I appreciate it. I’m completely new to 3d printing so I’m sure I will be asking alot of dumb questions

To be expected at anything new. I’ll be happy to answer little questions here or there, otherwise I’ll forward you to other online support groups. If you buy the printer through ArtLab (at no cost difference to you) I can offer a lot.more help.

What I think is a quick and easy question. The way I understand it the Raise 3D N2 Plus comes with the bed pre-leveled. How do you confirm that it’s level and make adjustments if needed? Note: I don’t have the printer yet.

The bed does certainly come pre-leveled. It’s very rigid. You can watch this video to get more info on what you should do once your Raise3D has arrived: - YouTube 4

In short, you calibrate the distance between the nozzle and the bed with a knob on the left hand side of the machine. If you are replacing the bed sheet or buildtak, always be sure to check this before printing. Move the extruder by hand to the front, left corner and then Home the Z axis using the touch screen. You can see more in that video above.

8 months later