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Aug 2015

So, what do 3D Hubs and YouTube Gaming have in common?

The logos! They look so similar! When I first saw the youtube gaming logo I had to second look at it because I thought it was 3D Hubs.

The 3D Hubs logo.

The YouTube Gaming Logo.

I mean I know they look different but quite similar I think. (The red/pink pixelated heart shape).

I don’t know, what do you guys think?

P.S. This is not meant to be critical on either company just an observation.

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    Aug '15
  • last reply

    Aug '15
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That’s exactly what I thought the other day when I logged into youtube. haha I thought it WAS a 3DHubs logo and guessed yall may of merged…

Maybe one day there will be tons of sub-youtube channels? Like 3D Printing YouTube, Cooking YouTube, How To YouTube, Make Up & Fashion Youtube, FilmMakers Youtube… seems kinda strange but maybe they’re heading in that direction over the next decade?

Then they will use the 3D hubs logo and may have to change up their gaming one… haha!

Haha, funny

I see it more as a compliment. If a big company like google uses a look-a-like logo from 3dHubs, it means that its really good.
Besides, I like the 3d hubs logo more !