What temp and material are you printing with? Sometimes sheep material will give you a bad end product. Try reducing your extruder temp and razing you retraction settings a bit. That should get rid of most stringing.
For the cost of a smart extruder I ended up replacing with a Chinese prusa copy and. Ever looked back.
Better quality and not outrageous prices for parts.
Tried different temperature from 195 to 215. Same issue still exist.
Simplify3D will let you tweak just about everything you can imagine on your printer. I was able to overcome 90% of my stringing issues vai retraction settings, and temp control.
Worth the investment.
try decreasing temperature by like 10C and increase retraction under custom/extruder to like 1.7mm
sounds like a normal makerbot responce send us your money. try dropping temps to 195 and adding say 8 9 mm of retraction may seem alot but makerbots are prone to this mess or so i found with my 5th gen …There are much better printers out there for around the 400 $ the cost of a smart extruder alone mark u wont have stringing issues can print bigger with no warping with a heated bed … My cr 10 is far better than my 5th gen in every way and 2k+ cheaper. thingiverse retraction test to try and dial your machine in .Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects 8
did you check the filament diam? looks like a lot of over extruding and too much heat.measure the filament diameter from 3 or more spots and put the average of those sizes as your filament diameter. hope this helps
Not enough retraction going on. Try to also check a flag like “dont cross perimeters during travels” or something like that.