I have a Flash forge bought two months ago - model Creator Pro dual extruder - and so far i have some trouble with getting it to the next level.
The overall printing is great but i’m frustrated since i can’t make them as good as i want it to be.
In the beginning i use to work with PLA using the makerbot slicer, then i switched to ABS (to be able to smooth the print with acetone) and the Simplify 3D slicer (which is great to control the support btw).
Lets get to the point. For a long time I had problem sticking the ABS - bad leveling, forgot to put the cover, AC too cold, etc - Now it’s the other way around. I can’t unstick the prints. I have to force like crazy and risk breaking them or damaging the mat. Ob some print the raft even merged with the print.
I am wondering if it could be from leveling (having the nozzle too close) or if it’s from the polycarbonate protective mat (I use a quick rub of a tissue with acetone to clean it as i have been told it’s great to take of dust and oily deposit from touching it) or something else (something too hot ?).
The other thing that is bothering me it’s i’m trying to print a bottle and the round bottom of it is always messy even with support. Any idea why it is not smooth ? Something to do with speed ? Temperature ? I tried different settings but got the same result. Maybe it’s the resolution of the support that need to be changed.
The bottle on the right was made with the Makerbot slicer. The problem was it was so hard to unstick the raft and the support ad i had no control over the support making the bottle filled with it. The two on the left are made with Simplify 3D.
Here are also some pictures of other problems that i have no idea where they are coming from. Maybe they can help you figure out what’s wrong.
Any suggestion or idea on how i can troubleshoot this and improve my prints is welcome.
Thank you in advance.
Sep '15last reply
Sep '15- 28
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