Hi All, I have an X-One and has been printing fine. I do have an issue with the x-axis (rear of bed only) sensors not working. Example: when my print finished the head was in the rear. It went to right and just kept hitting into the wall I hear no beep. I attempted to stop the print and it did the same thing on the left side. However, the x -axis sensor seems fine in the front of the printer. This hasn’t effected the printing however. The prints have come out fine. This issue only seems to happen the printer is trying to find its limits on the x axis in the rear of the printer. Any help would be appreciated.

The most likely thing is the stepper motor cable. Swap it if you have a spare or see about swapping with the one on the Y motor. This is a common issue.

Also, contact QIDI about this and they may send you new parts.

Replace the cable from the stepper motor to the board. You should have received a spare with your machine, or you can purchase one for a few dollars.

Best of luck.