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Feb 2017

So I got this piece of glass that’s a tad bit bigger then the bed it’s self (10x7) does it matter or should I get one the actual size of the bed?

  • created

    Feb '17
  • last reply

    Nov '18
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Not that big of a deal as long as you can secure it to the bed and it doesn’t hit anything. You will want to give it a reasonable amount of time to heat and stabilize.

Actually, you may find that as long as your extruders can get there, you now have a bigger printer bed. For example, on FFPRO, you can print way over the bed in the front and left. So align the right and back, and see if your extruders can go over into the extra space. Surprise, you can print bigger prints!

I tape mine along the back and right edges, then run tape underneath the left and front edges.

That’s cool! I also heard if you add a glass bed you have to print a shaft or something idk what it’s called. What’s the best one to use?

You will need a shim that goes between the Z axis smooth rods that the limit switch will hit… Look on thingiverse and it will need to be basically the same thickness as the glass.

2 years later

How thick should the glass bed be? Whats best to hold it down?

I used to use I think it was 1/4" borosilicate. There are a variety of holders. This is a good one but use only two. One at opposing corners I found is best.

You might look at BuildTak magnetic flex system. I am using that now and it is decent.