Hello everyone. I bought my qidi tech dual 3d printer a month ago. it started like a dream, minimum configuration and the printing was excellent. we were so happy we didn’t even use the tape or even the glue thanks to the mat provided with the box. Then issues started. the abs and the pla filament stopped to stick on the mat. we tried by adding a raft, and sometimes it worked but left a very rough surface were raft and base were touching. then also the raft stopped sticking to the surface. so we went back to the tape and glue… did a couple of good prints, didnt change any of the setting and it started once again to not stick or even worse, the nozzle was dragging out the item it was printing. We use SketchUp as 3d modelling software, and makerbot software to send the prints to the printer. We tried to play with the settings but there are so many and they dont seem to change anything. can any of you please send me some enlightment? thanks alot

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First thing is to make sure the bed is leveled very good. If you think it is good then do it again!

For bed adhesion check the temps you are using for each filament.

Also make sure the surface is clean and the surfaces don’t last forever.

Rafts will leave a rough surface.

You may want to get away from makerbot since I heard their software is becoming more specific to their printers and people are reporting problems using recent versions.

I keep cleaning everytime but i might as well do it more often. what you suggest for the software to replace makerbot software?

Thanks for the support you are giving me, is driving me nuts!

Cura, Slic3r, makerware. For a pay one Simplify3D.

We need more info still on the issue.

Material, temps speeds etc.

I would look into glass as a platform, and aquanet hairspray. This is the best combination to get your models to stick everytime.

That said, clean your build plate with alchohol.

I was having similar issues. I replaced the pad and made up an acetone slurry for whatever plastic I was using. Before laying down the slurry with a small brush, I put down blue painters tape on top of the pad. I’ve never seen the filament stick so well and clean up has become a breeze (no need to replace the QIDI pad and deal with all the nasty adhesive underneath).

For that matter you could put the tape right over the pad. Also glue stick works pretty good.

I am having similar problems. It is really frustrating. I have been working with the manufacturer, and they are responsive, friendly, and have helped some. I now re-level before every print, and use excessive amounts of glue stick. I use washable gluestick, so that I can clean it off entirely using a spray bottle of water and a cloth after each build. This has helps some, especially for single filament printing. Dual printing is still a huge problem. Here is a photo of what my printer usually does when I print: