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Aug 2017

I own a QIDI Tech 1, and my brother has a Flash Forge Creator Pro. I used his Creator Pro before I purchased the QIDI Tech 1, and thought that the Creator Pro was very nice. It prints fast enough and nice, but so does the QIDI Tech 1. But since working on my QIDI Tech 1, I have found some advantages; it has a “high resolution” setting, which takes all the guesswork out of having to change settings. They will both print two colors, Creator Pro has to have the two files merged into one file before it will print, while the QIDI Tech 1 combines files in a similar way it seems to work faster. The QIDI Tech 1 has a more extensive onboard menu. Both show the cooling fan mode in its present state, the opposite of what you might expect, where it shows “Cooling Fan On”, it is “Off”, and must be turned on for each print. One thing about the high resolution setting. Larger objects seem to encounter problems. More Later.


Not my intent to hijack this thread…but while QIDI fans are listening :slight_smile: when I connect to my QIDI via USB to my it is not recognized - at all. Meaning nothing at all happens (no new device recognized by the PC). My only way to use the printer is via the SD card. No big deal, just wondering if I’m missing something?

Also is there a guide somewhere for the Sailfish to fine tune the calibration of the printer? Lots of menu options that I’m not finding explained anywhere. Thanks, and for whatever reason Google doesn’t seem to like me recently.

8 days later
6 months later
1 month later

Tinning is applying solder with a soldering iron to the ends of the electrical connections. Here’s a video that shows what I’m talking about.

Qidi support is actually REALLY good. They monitor web forums and reach out to people having issues.

What problem are you having exactly?

I have sold five of these and still can’t can’t their reseller deals LOL how did you do it lol

I have been receiving the following messages after trying quite a few repairs.

Turn on machine: Sailfish Creator Pro – Heater Special – ATmega 2560 16/07/05 Sailfish v7.8 r0f02f

That message flashes for just a second then second message:

Tool 0 Failure! Temperature reads are failing. Check wiring.

Then normal screen appears:

FF Creator Pro

-Print from SD



When I choose utilities, then load filament, I get this message:

My temperature was changed externally. Reselect filament menu to try again.

Repairs I have made:

1. Replaced thermocouple - no change

2. Replaced heating cartridge - no change

3. Replaced entire extruder set - no change

Just in case you haven’t tried it yet, go into the Utilities menu and then select the option near the very bottom of the menu to reset the printer to factory defaults.

If that doesn’t do it, it must be something with the thermocouple connection on the systemboard. A quick check on Youtube shows a few people having that exact problem, and all of them traced it back to the connection on the board.

On the Qidi Tech 1, the thermocouple leads attach to a separate two post quick disconnect terminal strip that in turn plugs into the logic board. It looks like the Makerbot uses a spring actuated terminal strip instead. Obviously I don’t have your printer in front of me to confirm this, but I’d bet money that the terminal strip isn’t putting enough pressure on the leads given how thin the leads are. If you have a Fluke meter that can read temperature, you can test the thermocouple to rule it out 100% (that’s what I did in my case). After that, strip off some of the insulation on the thermocouple leads that go to the logic board (say an inch), and fold it over two times to increase its width, then tin it so it doesn’t fray and gives you the best possible connection.

If that works then it’s definitely a flakey spring terminal strip. I have some of those inside a Hensel Porty light head and it gives me headaches every now and then. In theory those things work fine, in practice the connection is only as good as the spring inside the terminal strip.