I am trying to print a large part with PVA using a WASP Turbo 2040. I need it in PVA as I will use it as a soluble mold in a university project.
I am having some issued with the material. As you can see in the pictures, the first layer seems pretty good. The raft build on the top of it was quite nice at the beginning but then, after 1cm it started failing in printing it. What could be the problem?

Hi there,

Maddie here from 3D Hubs.

Were you keeping your PVA in a dry box during printing? Since PVA absorbs water from the air so rapidly, it’s a good idea to keep it in a container with silica desiccant and only allow the filament to feed directly into the extruder via a long PTFE tube to limit its exposure to humidity.

I hope this helps!


Maddie - 3D Hubs