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Jan 2018

I have ordered my Prusa I3 mk3 kit in October, when the Prusa Website advertised it as due to start shipping in November. Then November became LATE November, then December, then January, then late January, etc. I’m fet ups with the constant lies and marketing hype from Prusa. But it makes sense, Joe Prusa is more about Marketing hype than anything else.

Before this Sunday January 14th, my Prusa Kit was displayed as due to ship this week, that is the week of January 15th. Then precisely one day before, on Sunday 14th, that information got updated from the 15th, to the 29th. Take that dear customer. And if it were not the 4th time such new delays had happened since I had ordered.

Several e-mails I got from Prusa Support staff imply they knew form the beginning it was going to ship end of November, but when I had ordered, it said November, not late November. Therefore, a blatant lie, designed to mislead clients just to get their orders locked in. Anyhow, we are no longer counting the lies from Prusa Research, are we ?

For less than the price of the Prusa kit which never arrived, I have ordered a Flogertech FT-5 R2 (which has just arrived, only several days after ordering), and also ordered a Bondtech extruder straight from Sweden, an E3D hotend straight from E3D, and a Duet WIFI with TMC2660 integrated drivers over SPI > all of which have arrived less than one week after having ordered, perhaps Joe Prusa could get some tips from all these guys on how to run an efficient business, rather than spending all his time Marketing and clowning on Youtube. Certainly, it works, I fell for it myself, but one only falls to it once.

PS. Had Prusa been honest about delivery times, and had they shown in October a delivery time for January, I may have ordered, or I may not have ordered, but I would never have been frustrated about it. Actually, it is probable I would have ordered and waited. But it is the constant lies, delays, the drip by drip information, which were really too much (BECAUSE THEY ARE PLAIN LIES DESIGNED SIMPLY TO GET CUSTOMERS TO SUBSIDIZE PRUSA’S ROLLING STOCK) There are banks for this, or Kickstarter, no need to lie to customers! I was very sympathetic to Joe’s case against PayPal. But now I really wonder whether PayPal had not a valid reason to be suspicious about Prusa’s cash-flows and business practices. It seems actually that they did have a valid point, and that Joe Prusa is a great comedian on YouTube.