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Oct 2015

Hello, i need help about a drawing vs slicer.

In Sketchup i have draw a coin (see added file) i have uploaded this coin in Cura and want to print it flat.

In Sketchup the ‘1’ is a massive piece. After printing it with Cura its a hollow piece. I took a look in the layerssection in Cura and saw that Cura isnt printing the platform where the one is stamped out. What am i doing wrong? If i rotate the coin so it stands up, Cura IS recognizing the platform…
coin1.gcode (584 KB)

  • created

    Oct '15
  • last reply

    Oct '15
  • 7


  • 2.2k


  • 5



thanks! This was the solution! In all the frustration that i had with sketchup vs Cura i forgot those settings.


I downloaded you suggestion. It was not the solution but i definitly gonna use this on every drawing.

Sketchup feels easier, but unfortunately does not produce good stl’s as it produces a leaky mesh - it works on faces not solids and therefor when you joinr or subtract it makes a bit of a mess.

Use 123D or switch to Fusion 360 as there you are then learning to harness a proper parametric system (And I think it is free to certain groups).

Worth doing now before you get too far into the fun of 3d printing!