I have been using Blender 2.69 and have had no issues when exporting a particular active object as as .stl file. I’ve just loaded Blender 2.77 and when I try to export one active object as an stl file, all objects in the current .blend file get exported even though only one is selected. Any ideas what’s going on here???
I have Blender. I think it is exporting the file, it has happened to me before to. What I would suggest is that you open a second application of Blender then copy and paste the object. After it has been copied you can export the file and get the object on its own.
There has been a change in one of the defaults in Blender 2.77 (I found this last night while working). When you export to .stl, on the left is a checkbox for “Selection Only”. Up until 2.76b, this was ON by default - now it’s OFF. I’m not a fan of the new default.
Turn this ON and you can export only the selected object.
If I find out how to change this default, I will let you know.
I’ve since noticed what seems to be another issue with v2.77, that I don’t experience on 2.68. When I export an STL file and later try to import it back into Blender the object’s scale is increased. For example, if I export a 20mm cube to a file and then try to import the same cube back into Blender from stl it comes in as a 20m cube. I work in mm units having the units set to Metric and S0.001. I’ve never had any issues with 2.68. The reason I want to move to 2.75 plus is because of the non-manifold repair feature in the 3D tool box of Blender from 2.75 on. I have tried Blender 2.75, 2.76. 2.76b and 2.77 all seem to have the same issue. Am I missing something??
Thanks x2 to you RCole. When I checked out your advice re. my difficulty exporting only the selected object to stl, I also solved my scale issue as Blender 2.77 allows scaling on stl imports which my previous version of Blender did not. In my version of 2.77 my import stl scale was set to 100 instead of 1 as it should be.
1) I found that I could export individual objects if I use the 3D printing addon. Select the object I want to export, click on the “ExportActive Object using 3Dprint settings” and that works fine, but Blender assigns a file name for you.
2) However, if you try to export using File->Export->STL, it will export all the objects. I found altering default in the following file worked: