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Aug 2016

So I was recently having an extrusion problem with my printer, and I cleared out the extruder and it was working fine. It was extruding at a somewhat steady rate, and the print was looking good. I came back later and the print stopped midway through, and had started printing air. I was using Replicator G at this point, so I switched to FlashPrint (I’m using a Flashforge Creator Pro) and rewrote the GCode, and the same problem occurred. It stopped extruding at seemingly the same place. It sounds like it would be a software problem, but the fact that it happened after generating the GCode in two different programs didn’t make sense to me. Each time, after it started printing air, I stopped the print and would try another print. No filament would come out at all. It was as if the printer wasn’t even loaded. I tried filament loading, nothing would come out. But the filament was still loaded. I had to push and pull the filament a bit for it to work some more. Then, after the filament was extruding again, I tried another print. Once again, it started out well, and then stopped midway.

What’s going in? Does anybody know how to fix this?

Thanks in advance,


  • created

    Aug '16
  • last reply

    Aug '16
  • 4


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Hi, two thoughts, one is the diameter on the filament , check close where it stops to see if too big, the other one is the teflon tube , once is really burn it starts to make that.

hope this helps


When I get a jam that repeats I take out the Teflon tube and make sure it isn’t kinked. Replacing that along with making sure your nozzle is totally clear should do the trick.

Hey @aidanofjayus,

It would seem like the filament your using isn’t auited for your printer. From the sound of it, the filament diameter is too small so the piece feeding the filament can’t grip into it so it won’t get pushed through the nozzle. It would be too loose to feed it through.

Just check the diameter of filament your using and that which the printer should operate with.

Hope this helps

Hi @aidanofjayus I had this happen on my FF Pro and it appears to have been a problem with the filament diameter. The filament was actually jamming in the extruder mechanism, from what looked like trying to feed too fast. I (appear) to have solved this by fractionally reducing the diameter of the filament in Simplify3D (from 1.75 to 1.73), but you could also adjust the Extrusion Multiplier.

Like you, it seemed to happen randomly, but since the adjustment it hasn’t happened at all.