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Jun 2016

My direct drive gear seems to be stuck or catching on something. I have taken the external parts apart and placed it back together but it still doesn’t seem to want to turn. I have played with the idea that the filament is held too tight, too lose, i changed the type of filament. I even ran it without any filament and all have the same results. I am able to feed the filament through manually so I know the extruder isn’t clogged. I am thinking that it may have something to do with the motor (which I have not taken apart) but I am not an expert.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Is your hotend clogged? Just try and manually feed some filament and see if it comes through. It might be a ‘cold extrusion prevention’. Is your hotend heated?

I took the whole hobbled bolt off, cleaned it, reattached it and tried again a few times adjusting the tightness of the set screw but there was no noticeable change.


Maybe try plugging the cables from your extruder motor into the port for an X or Y, to test whether it is the motor or the software.

Use the Pronterface UI, and enter the g-code “M910” to display the stepper motor current settings. Listed after ‘E’ should be the current for the Extruder, it should be above 50 (ie M910 X70 Y70 Z50 E70).

Also, is the bearing free? The bearing the presses the filament against the gear.

Another check is the filament may be catching on a lip inside the hot end… Can you manually push the filament down into the HOT hot end and continue to push it so it starts to manually ooze out the bottom? Once it does that, set the tension bearing back onto the filament and try some Gcode extrusions? so the extruder pushes it through?

20 days later
1 year later

Hello. I’m experiencing the same issues. I didn’t see a resolution on this thread. Can you share the outcome? Thanks.