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Jul 2015

Hi Bulet, Thanks.

I did. And I have a dust remover warped around my filament (sponge) :slight_smile:

Did you get this figured out?

A few other possibility

  1. Printing too close to the bed
  2. Clog in the hot end
  3. Clogged extruder hob ( eg bits of plastic in between the teeth )

Hi Derek,

Thanks for sharing your story!

It sounds indeed you had a heating problem.

My extruder heats up well - I got burned by it the other day ^^


Hi Bilisch,

Thanks for bringing it up!

1 and 3 I have checked - those are fin.

2: it doesn’t seem so - but nonetheless I will take it apart and clean it out.

Hi Pieter,

I know about the heat wave - I was in the middle of it :wink: (nl)

I’ve read before that the room temperature affects the printing process - especially the quality of the filament. Direct sunlight and a high humidity are killing.

Sadly my problem isn’t temperature related - so I will look further. Thanks for sharing anyway, interesting!


Hi Ian,

Even for PLA I use my beloved heated-bed. There is only one thing worse than using a glue stick for adhesion and that is blue tape ^^. The problem in the picture was under-extrusion; not enough filament to stick to the bed so it got loose

The sliced models are fine - and I set first layer print speed on purpose on 20m/s.

The M503 is a great tip to check if your motor is set to the right amount of steps per mm! :slight_smile:

Just to be sure I unscrew the ‘tensioner’ and put it back together - along with removing the nozzle and cleaning it out that solved my issue!.

I appreciated your thoughts!


It’s almost silly for me to ask but a lot of problems on my printers arise when the fan that cool down the extruder start failing, almost imperceptible; most of the time when you are not there but it makes the filament softer and thus to under extrude. I’ve been through more than a dozen of those. They still work but they are not that smooth, same on the CTC with the PCB fan.

18 days later

I used a few old 12v computer fans to blow on the Printers to keep them a lil cool. They can get pretty hot on long prints. A small 12v and put the bot on some feet to allow air travel to pass under the bot.

Keep it cool,