Hi there,

I have to print a lot of this kind of models, the diameter of the cylinder is 3mm, and I have problems printing the curves and vertical pipe :frowning:

This is a part of the model for testing purposes.
When the printer is printing the pipe along the bed by X and Y axis it’s OK, but then the problem start when the printer start to print by the Z axis of the model .

I’m printing with 0.3mm layer hight for faster print for tests on Duplicator i3 printer with default settings with Simplify 3D slicer

Can anyone tell me what can I do to prevent problematic parts?

Full fan and printing a few at the same time should solve your problems. Maybe print thinner layers as well to have each layer cool off quicker.

I’d be looking at lowering your layer height and printing slower. If that fails, check your belt tensions.