Hey! I’d need to print some flexible pieces using Ninjaflex. Who can do that in London?
Nov '15last reply
Jun '19- 15
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Hey! I’d need to print some flexible pieces using Ninjaflex. Who can do that in London?
Hey Robin! Won’t be doing until Ninjaflex until December, but do have Polyjet flexible Tango material at the moment if that is any good to you? Comes in Shore A hardness 27, 40, 50, 60, 70, 85 & 95.
Drop me a line if I can help:
Hi Robin,
I haven’t try yet printing Ninjaflex in my printer but I do not see any reason not to try it. The printer is capable (direct drive extruder very close to the hot end). I might have to play a little with the temperatures and make a couple of dummy runs.
If you are interested please contact me. Thank you, George
Hi Robin,
I have Ninjaflex, Filaflex and Flexsolid in stock and get good results on my Printrbot Simple Metal with the new premium geared extruder. I don’t keep a huge range of flexible filament as there is not much demand, but I have a few colours in NinjaFlex & Filaflex. What are you looking to print and what colours do you need?
I can depending on the size of the print, what size print are you thinking?
Hey @IPF3Dprinting, just a heads up that I moderated your email out. Now that the user profiles are live, it’s quite easy for other users to find your Hub and message you through the Contact This Hub link. Just one click away Thanks for understanding.
On that note, make sure you add Ninjaflex prints to your Hub page when you get the page. It’s a great way to showcase the filaments you specialise in. Cheers!
Hi Robin,
We offer NinjaFlex 3D Printing, it’s one of our specialities actually. We’re based in SE6 and offer next day, same-day and weekend 3D Printing. Find us here https://champion3d.com/3d-printing