And how will they find out? Do they have cameras in your shop? They don’t keep track of this stuff.
I say hack the heck out of your printers boys and girls. Warranty costs too much, you are much better off just spending that 5K on spare parts every year. Its much cheaper this way, especially during the first 5 years. The machines break but not much. All the important parts they don’t warranty, so yes, all they give you is free lights, bolts and wires, great…
And yes, could you tell us how to hack the eprom please. I would like to know. I was able to completely hack the Objet 30 Pro.
Also, you can try other resin, its not a big deal, just make sure you clean the machine quickly after with cleaning material.
Btw, if you do have a warranty, call a technician and put a key logger on your PC & machine. They will input some special password to check on the machine, thats when you get it and can reset all this important information and “hack the warranty”
Keep you printer and computer that is hooked into it off line. That’s how they monitor the searial numbers of the matireal your using. Stratasys dose this so do the makers of da Vinci. da Vinci will shut your printer down if they find your not buying their material by the serial number of the filament cartridge.
Try Tri-tech in the UK. I know that they are cheaper than that. Also, Objet printers are a commercial printer. For fun see a cheaper/FDM machine. I cannot understand the amount of people posting comments on problems they are having eith their Objets, when they are not using their machines in the intended way. Get over the hacker mentality!!!
They keep track of the material don’t they? Are you naive enough to think they don’t monitor forums and take names too?
And what proof do they have that you do follow up with a post or saying the truth?
Get over the “serf” mentality.
i have 2 x ABS P430?
Pop me a mail
Hello what can you so to recicle the plates ?