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Aug 2015

At the Madesolid workshop last night at Drone Deploy we received a sample of the new Flexsolid filament. I was told no one has tested the filament on an Ultimaker yet. It has now been tested.

First test run I used this model Knurled Bracelet No1 by aubenc - Thingiverse 2

I am printing at .1mm layer height, 235C, 40mm/s, %100 infill and on a cold bed. Using an E3DV6.

So far no issues. Printing is going smoothly. I chose these setting to really test the limit of the material in terms on layer height. I will next run the same print but at .2mm layer height instead of .1mm and then try different infill percents.

I will have more time to give updates later tonight after the print finishes.

Enjoy some sample pics!

Here is a Youtube video of the print Printing Flexsolid by Madesolid on Ultimaker Original - YouTube 1

  • created

    Aug '15
  • last reply

    Sep '15
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Print successful! Printing time was 3hrs 45mins. Cura estimated it to be 4hrs and 15mins so good to see it finish 30mins early. Other than a little globbing at the break in the bangle no printing issues. I kept my fan off for the first few millimeters then it went on full but I started to notice some curling in the print. I lowered the fan so low it was nearly off, speed at 75/255. I would like to try a print with the cooling fan off the entire time just to see. I am continuing testing the filament but confirmed with the E3DV6 on the Ultimaker on a cold bed with a bowden extruder you can print at .1mm layer height, normal flow rate, print speed at 40mm/s, 235C. I used %100 infill and I have no issues. I printed on blue tape with a brim and it popped right off when it finished.

Watch for the next tests on the Ultimaker!

Very nice!

I see that the overhang leaves something to desire, and some red residue resides in your print head, but most of all, very interesting material!

I have yet to print ultimaker flex material on my ultimaker 2, to see if it prints nicely.


Congratulations Teddy! You were so determined to crack this challenge and create the first successful print on your Ultimaker and you have done just that! And this post got you to start using Twitter, which means I can no longer refer to you as “Teddy who doesn’t Twitter”.
Adam and Jason (@maxence) have you seen this?

That looks good! Also, I’m curious, what printer are you using, and how well has it been working? I upgraded a Printrbot Simple Maker’s kit to an 8x8x8 build area, with double the original precision and some other stuff, but I’m looking for options to reuse the parts from my upgrade on a box style build to get rid of all the vibrations I’m getting…

I am using an Ultimaker original with an E3DV6 hotend and aluminum build plate. It’s been working great aside from any usual issues any printer runs into. Next I will be connecting the steppers directly to the YX rods for a direct drive to eliminate the belt slipping I get on the smaller belts.

13 days later

Hi @bluelotusssp

very impressive!

Which print head is that?



10 days later

I’m using the E3DV6 full metal hotend and the ultimaker mount for it I found on Thingiverse that I had a friend of mine print in ABS for me.