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Sep 2014

Hi all,

the past week I encountered a problem regarding my work for 3DHubs. According to the Terms of Use #5.4* each hub is responsible for determining its applicable tax and vat.

Regarding my hub I discussed it with my tax advisor. In Germany it is definitely a business and VAT must be payed.

So I would like to make the hubs more sensible to this problem, and it would be really nice if 3DHubs will help their hubs in order to avoid problems with the fiscal authorities

So be aware and don’t tap into a tax trap :wink:



*5_.4. Hubs understand and agree that they are solely responsible for determining their applicable tax reporting requirements and any applicable taxes for the 3D printing services they provide to Users through the Website._

  • created

    Sep '14
  • last reply

    Mar '17
  • 9


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Hi Joerg, thanks for your comment. As we have Hubs connected in 140 countries it’s not so easy for us to advise each Hub on their individual tax situation. Hubs often know this much better than we do, as it’s different in every country at which point tax reporting is needed.

Where possible we’ll try to improve the information on the website about this, so if you have any suggestions where you would like to see information improved we are very open to hear.

Best, Bram

Hi Bram,

thanks for your reply.

For me it is pretty hard to discuss this in English, but I will do my very best :wink:

From my point of view there are some possibilities where improvement is possible:

1. During the registration, there should be a first hint that there might be a tax problem and hubs should check it for their country.

2. On the final payoff page there should be a not like "You receive € x,yz"²
(² = Please check your countries tax regulations. May be tax reporting is required.)

3. Printable invoices for each order will help the hubs a lot for the tax reporting. In Germany for each order there must be payed sales tax (19%) and the hubs need to have some kind of proof for it.

Theese are my thoughts so far :slight_smile:


2 years later
11 days later

Hi guys,

we’ve stumbled upon the same issue. After long searching I found this link with required information for correct invoice.


we are business based in Lithuania (EU) so we must prepare invoice for 3DHubs after we received money from them. All we need was VAT ID (BTW Nr. in Netherlands), so guys please mention about it in your receipt and somewhere on the web page.

not sure about non EU countries.