I assume this is a common problem, but don’t know the word for it. But when I print a part it is typically about 5-6% larger than the 3D model on the outer diameters, and about 2-3 % smaller on the inner diameter. So basically when I’ve designed a model 100% according the a real life model, when it is printed it is either to tight on the inner parts, or two large on the outer.
I need to print something which is exactly as the model that I’ve created (or within 0-2 % at least). How do I go about fixing this. Is there a setting in Cura that I use, or do I have to compensate for the print differences in the designed model?
By the way Im using Sketchup, Cura and Vertex K8400.
The part that I am talking about is attached below. Don’t have the measurements in from of me, by I assume it is about 2-4 cm in diameter where I measured 5-6% larger on the outside.