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Jul 2017

I have calibrated it, but something is still wrong, If I print one of the samples on the SD card it prints fine in the middle of the bed, but if I print my own STL or print one of the examples in the file meu, it prints on the right side of the bed in fresh air…

Has anyone had the same problem? Anyone has a clue about what it could be?
Many thanks

Offset or some other dimension in the slicer is probably not set correctly.

The Makerbot clones (which the CTC is one of) are using a home point (0,0,0) at the center of the Build Plate instead of the lower left. Most slicers don’t take care of this. What slicer are you using?

For example in Slic3r inside the printer settings you can adjust the Bed shape and you need to set the Origin to X105 Y75

If it is working then great! Could be something in the firmware settings for the bed size are off or in the slicer maybe?

Probably good to go though as long as it doesn’t cause any other issues!