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May 2016

Can anyone here print something for me using a Sketchup file, or would I need to learn a new CAD program in order to get a printable file? It’s been a real PITA attempting to convert (unsuccessfully) to STL. Anyway, the item would be about the size of a grapefruit. I would appreciate any help/advice you could offer. Thanks! TB

  • created

    May '16
  • last reply

    May '16
  • 16


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  • 5


I model in sketchup and convert to stl for printing daily. I can also print whatever it is for you.

What issues are you having converting it? Are you exporting to stl or trying to use another method?

Exporting to STL (installed extension). Keeps giving me a message like: “630 faces exported, 0 lines exported, 4249 objects ignored.” I’m using Sketchup Make 2016, if that makes a difference. If you could print from my Sketchup file, that would be great. You can email me at troy.brengle@gmail.com with costs, etc. Thanks!


I also use Sketchup, but I use the SketchupPro paid for version.

I convert files successfully to STL all the time.

A plug in called Solid Inspector author is TomTom helps a lot.

Some geometry does not convert easily into a solid.

For instance, round objects intersected with other round objects sometimes give trouble.

You can tell if the STL will turn out by using the Solid Inspector to look for holes and other geometry errors.

I hope this helps you in some manner.

If Miaviator is willing to help you with your project, It would be a very good Idea to use his Hub.

Thanks, Gary. I’ll try Solid Inspector. I sent my file over to Miaviator to check it out. Hopefully we can get it figured out.

I don’t like to lock people into using my hub (My lead times are quite long until mid June). I’ll fix the file if I can and let him know what I did then send back the modified file and stl.

Thanks, I just downloaded a trial version of Sketchup Pro, so maybe that will help, and I installed some of those plug-ins, too. Just working on getting solids solid now.


Once your solids are solid and you convert them to STL using the Sketchup STL converter,

If you are drawing in inches, you will need to scale up your drawing x 25.4 in order to have the STL

come out the correct size.

Just thought you’d like to know.

Sure, I will have a look and let you know. You can upload the file to my Hub ( https://www.3dhubs.com/new-york/hubs/digiphy3d 1) by clicking “Get a quote from this hub” or you can email it to me directly at pjdixit ‘at’ digiphy3d "dot’ com. Don’t worry, I wont charge you if it is an easy fix.

I am looking for ward to have a look at your file.