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May 2016

Printing my die, I changed the first layer to 90% and it is working great I really think that was my problem, I think :slight_smile:

In my opinion, I think you should go with .3 for your initial layer thickness. It for some reason is what Wanhao profiles are showing. It is what I use for PLA, HIPS, and ABS, and I usually get good results. I know that the 3dprinterwiki.info web site says otherwise, but try both and see which one fixes your air bubbles.

I have found if I Set extruder to 205c and the printbed to 70c it seems to lay down filament fine but the edges of the raft curl up not all of them but like one or 2. Then I was printing a Microsoft Band (stand) it printed fine (except for the raft lifting in the corners) then about 3/4 the way up the neck the neck was all messed up like it had been chewed on, I tried this twice with different results but both times the neck was messed up to a degree, Im also finding that When the filament covers over the filler (triangles) it doesnt cover smoothly or properly, what would cause this?

sembra che il piano non sia livellato bene, dove fa le bolle sei più distante dal piano e quindi il materiale non è spalmato bene e lo strato risulta più grosso e non ancorato al letto caldo.

Prova a fare il primo layer più basso con il piano livellato meglio. Porta in temperatura il piatto caldo prima di fare il livellamento anche il vetro si deforma con il calore e si deve assestare.

I have leveled the bed again, I have not installed the glass and PEI yet, Has anyone installed the Z brace Mod I bought the hardware. Is it difficult?


Hi listen the Brim or Raft is set up by the slicer. So if it is not working for you then the temp, fan use or printer leveling has got to be off or even your filament has got some issues. I don’t want to think your extruder has issues, because you mentioned you only had the printer for 2 weeks…

If you have not changed any of the settings of the Brim or Raft then check those other items. If printing with ABS check your fan settings. Remember you fan for ABS have to be OFF or if it is a specific small item, Like the Marvin then setting your fan at 40-50% is appropriate. If Printing with PLA your fans are a good thing because PLA needs to cool down its layer so the next one sits just right. Check out the BRIM or RAFT settings you will see what I am talking about. Keep at it, eventually you will hit the right settings.