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13 / 24
Jun 2017

it was easy enough to set up.

i used a combo of surface area and objecct volume. The latter because it makes it dead easy to set filament price… sliced volume is an object with only 25% infill. So going for 100% infill makes it more easy, just calculate the raw filament cost and enter it


i choosed one of those hairy models as the complex one and got the price where it would say it was ok

then i picked a 10cm marvin as the simple model… now the price is way off

there is an hour in difference for the print time according to cura engine in repetier host. but the price at 3d hubs is 50% lower

so what could be done wrong on my part?

used this one as the complex: Rocktopus 2 ( 2 hands and hair ) by joeostrander - Thingiverse 1

it takes about 6½ hours to print and the price on github reflects that ok

then i took the 10cm marvin as used in the preview… its a hughe one and takes about an hour less… its a simple one with not so much surface, but it still takes time to print, pricing is screwed on that one

but if i take the standard marvin it hits the price ok again

is there anything that can be done about this? so close to perfect prices and still not at the finish line

Simple part too cheap -> Set ccm higher, Surface lower

Simple part too expensive -> Set ccm lower, Surface higher

I would count small marvin as complex, there is very little infill compared to the shells. So you have set the surface price too high and need to set higher ccm and instead lower the surface a bit. On the other Hand I would not select something like Hairy prints or other stuff that has some “special” properties as a base pricing. You’re more likely to encouter someone without a 3D Printer beeing interested in this: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2230899 1 rather than a hairy print which is sort of a 3D printer novelty and mostly interesting to people who deeply know the limitations and thus think the hairy stuff is cool :smiley:


i just picked the first thing on thingiverse that would have a lot of surface area

will give deathwing a try

so you would recommend using deathwing as the “complex” and then a simple cube as the “simple” model to set prices?


i told cura to use 0.125 nozzle and 0.025mm layers and even then it could not do it

what would an approx print time be with those settings? just for the fun of it

As I can only print veeeeery slowly with the fine nozzle due to the pressure buildup Deathwing takes a whopping 470h to print, and that’s just the estimate, I guess after Acceleration kicks in it’s closer to 550h :smiley:

thats crazy

i ended up with a hollow cube and the small marvin and the biggest one

once i get the extruder i will put the printer online and i guess i will just have to adjust surface as i get orders