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8 / 24
Jun 2017

it was easy enough to set up.

i used a combo of surface area and objecct volume. The latter because it makes it dead easy to set filament price… sliced volume is an object with only 25% infill. So going for 100% infill makes it more easy, just calculate the raw filament cost and enter it


i choosed one of those hairy models as the complex one and got the price where it would say it was ok

then i picked a 10cm marvin as the simple model… now the price is way off

there is an hour in difference for the print time according to cura engine in repetier host. but the price at 3d hubs is 50% lower

so what could be done wrong on my part?

Yeah it’s totally easy but it does screw up pricing a lot because the support is rarther special for that. Basically what it boils down to is a print where there are hairs standing out and you comb it into shape with a hair dryer to soften the plastic stands up again, this is a special technique in handling a special support structure, it’s not printed like it looks directly.

The skin on the wings is veeery thin. Your slicer is probably ignoring it due to the minimal wall thickness. You can choose something different with a lot of wallt too of course, on the other hand, even without wings deathwing is quite complex, just not printable in that case :smiley:

Slic3r kind of has a hard time with it too, Simplify3D does handle it better if you choose very thin layers.

for the purpose of prices i can set it as thin as needed to make the skin work

can you tell me how thin walls would be needed to make it work?

what i do here is to compare the time in my slicer with the final price in 3d hubs to check that i have set the price for surface right

I’d advise you not to do that, because that would make print times unrealistically high. Be honest, you wouldn’t accept deathwing to be printed on the hub, would you? You should choose the most complex objekt you could think of that you would accept as an order, otherwise you’re skewing the scale potentially a lot.

25µm Layers will do the trick for me with my 0.125mm Nozzle size.

no no—

what i’m doing here is using deathwing to figure what price i should input

hmmm call it a guide line for what my prices should be if i accepted it… which i would not do

you could also see it as a way to reach the very extremes


i told cura to use 0.125 nozzle and 0.025mm layers and even then it could not do it

what would an approx print time be with those settings? just for the fun of it

As I can only print veeeeery slowly with the fine nozzle due to the pressure buildup Deathwing takes a whopping 470h to print, and that’s just the estimate, I guess after Acceleration kicks in it’s closer to 550h :smiley:

thats crazy

i ended up with a hollow cube and the small marvin and the biggest one

once i get the extruder i will put the printer online and i guess i will just have to adjust surface as i get orders