I’m sorry I can’t help you, but you will get more/better responses if you specify which 3D printer you have. I’m guessing it’s some sort of Polyjet but an exact model will help you find people with the same machine.
Hi Lee,
I do not really have a solution, but a workaround in that way:
- Purging (I always purge manually before the first print, not automatically)
- Open cover and push the printing unit slowly forward until stop
- Then Push the printhead unit all the way to the left stop
- Then Push the printhead diagonally away from the stops just about 5cm or so
Do that all slowly and without force. Sometimes I feel a slight resistance short before the stop is reached, then repeating the manual motion and at last the resistance is no more there, maybe thats the reason for the error, but I really don’t know.
Then start printing.
The error is not at 100% away, but only occurs once at month (I print at least every second day 2 to 3 trays), so its a real progress…
Hope it helps. If you found a really solution, please have in mind to tell it to me.
Sorry for the slow reply and Thanks for the work around, I haven’t tried it yet but I will as soon as I get into the office.
You mentioned you Purge manually? do you mean you initiate the purge sequence?
The trouble I am getting is that the Printer wants to do a material flush as it believes that I have cleaning fluid in not Resin, its all automatic, it is just a pop up message. Once I have this message displayed I can not do any other function except Material flush. I lost a litre of resin and support material on Sunday.
Have you ever experienced this? I am getting this error after every print now and really dont want to waste more resin.
yes I purge manually. That can be switched within the maintenance/Parameters Settings menu, see picture. But always be VERY CAREFULLY what you change in the various maintenance menus. You can ruin all within your printer.
As I remember, here in the forum is anywhere described how to switch into maintenance mode.
To the fluid problem:
I once had the case that a message said that the wrong fluid is in the machine. That day I changed bottles of material after a long pause of printing (and the cleaning fluid in the heads an tubes). While putting out the fluid bottle the RFD chip stays still in the bottle unit. I found and removed it and all was OK. Maybe helpful.
Don’t hesitate if you have questions. I find it very good when some Objet users can discuss the Goods and Bads of these printers and the various problems during the daily work.
Hi Edgar, Thanks for your offer and your info is awesome. I really appreciate it. Well I was given the password for that menu when I bought the printer. Then the last service company shut it down telling me “I was not supposed to know that password”. Now that I am out of warranty, I feel I should have access to that menu. Do you or anybody know the password for the maintainence menu? At the moment I only have access to the absolute basic menu. Again, I appreciate your help. Kind regards Lee
as far as I remember you can get into the maintenance menu not with a password but with the key combi Ctrl+Alt+M when
the Objet window is active and the mousepointer is in the lower right corner of the window.
But again: BE VERY CAREFUL if I remember right and you can enter the maintenance menu.
My service technician said (five years ago, nowadays I don’t have a service contract): “Its your own risk! You can make a toaster out of your printer if you change values you don’t understand…”
So, maybe not a toaster out of your printer — but even hardware can be damaged seriously by inputting wrong values. Before you make any change always take screen shots of the original state.
I tried the Ctrl+Alt+M on the software I have on my laptop.
I am not connected to the printer here, so I dont know if it is that or the wrong menu.
Attached are some screen shots of the only menu that appears when I press ctrl+alt+m.
The first image is the only way ctrl+alt+m works. After I am in Job manager I go to the drop down menu, 3D printer and select machine properties. Once I have the next pop up box (the technical support configuration screen password) open I then can enter ctrl+alt+m, which gives me the menu on the second image attached.
I hope this makes sense and I hope the image attached shed some light on this problem.
Thanks Edgar, I am in the middle of this project and I didn’t need the printer to fail right now.
I bought my printer in late 2010 and used it for one project, I Then left Darwin and the printer came with me, I was in Sydney till about 2014 where I then put the printer in storage.
I finally took it out of storage when I arrive in my new location and new office last October.
The performance of the printer, every time, straight out of the box has always impressed me.
These glitches are the first I have had in all the years so I’m thankful.