There are several filament producers that now have their own version of carbon fibre filled filaments. In all these cases, the standard material is PLA, PETG or another polymer mixed with very short carbon fibers. I have printed with several different brands of this carbon filled filaments have, in my opinion, actually not much to offer for most applications. The prints made with this are usually a bit lighter than with the pure filaments and are supposed to be much ‘stiffer’ than with ‘normal’ filaments. I case of the base material being a PETG-variant the prints are really stiffer, but I doubt very much if it is really stronger. As a matter of fact, prints with these carbon fiber filament will break more easily than using the ‘normal’ filament. With the MarkForged however, the technique is very different. In stead of using chopped carbon fibers, the MarkForged will lay a continuous carbon fire through your print. This DOES increase the strength of that print significantly. However, you must keep in mind that this does not work for very small parts and neither with very thin layers. Small parts just do not have the room for the fibers.
so MarkForge lays strands of carbon down inside the print almost like rope. Industrial Additive Manufacturing Platform | Markforged 5 here is a link for them to send you a part when i got mine i was amazed with how solid it was and it was free.
You can use the onyx filement in any printer they just warn its super high wear. The continuous strands can not be printed with any onther printer but theirs. Their filiment is super expensive so i would say just find onther brand of carbon filled nylon.
I have used a roll of PLA with Carbon Fiber from Inland on my Makerbot Replicator 2, the prints are very stiff and has a nice looking surface, almost like semi-gloss. I have a MarkForged in my lab so I know that as well, the MarkForged has two nozzles, one for Nylon and the other is for Carbon Fiber, Kevlar, Fiber Glass. With the software you can tell the printer how many layers of fiber to lay down, this is done per layer with the Nylon embedding each layer. The parts are very tough with Nylon and depending on the fiber used, it can be very strong. I have not used Onyx yet, but have seen parts made with it, looks similar to the Inland material on my Makerbot. Not sure if there are many print hubs offering the MarkForged, the prints will be expensive.
Thanks. The quote for a longboard surfboard fin came out as 82GBP. That’s not cost prohibitive but I definitely want to get a few prototypes right first