Hi guys…

i have some problems to prevent my print to make some “pilucchi” , i means small filaments on the smoth surface.

Any ideas how i can improve ??


Reduce the flowrate (also called extrusion multiplier) There is a very good video called “calibrating the extruder” (or similar) by Thomas Sanladerer in youtube, this will help you :wink: -Marius

porta la retazione a 3.5 e scendi con la temperatura


If you can share the settings that you attempted to print with originally, that’ll help us point you in the right direction.


Add retraction and low temperature

hi guys,

my settings , using CURA, were:

ABS material

180°C temperature, i’m not sure to reduce any more with ABS.

4.5 retraction

i also will check the video, thanks Marius.

ABS gets printed at 225C+. 1800 is way too low. -Marius

i know, but i was hoping to resolve by lowering temperature.

next try… better but no som much…

It’s a mix of retraction and crossing perimeters problem. Maybe your nozzle is not “flatly perpendicular” to your plate and any little crisp on the nozzle surface could produce the “spaghetti” (pilucchi) effect.

I ususally clean the nozzle lowering it to the plate with some paper in between and then move rapidly the nozzle to make it planar.

------=====>>>>> DON’T EVER USE SANDPAPER OR U CAN DESTROY THE NOZZLE <<<<<<=====------
