I have several spools of of PETG filament that I’m looking to sell. My Prusa i3 MK2 refuses to print them, I don’t think there is anything wrong with the filament I think it’s the printer. I haven’t printed much with these spools so they should be at lest 75% full. I’ll list them below:

1.75mm Green eSun PETG (originally 1kg), bought at $25, I’ll sell it for $12, or best offer.

1.75mm Black eSun PETG (originally 1kg), bought at $26, I’ll sell it for $12, or best offer.

1.75mm White Taulman t-glase PETT CoPolymer (originally 1lb), bought at $32, I’ll sell it for $15, or best offer.

I’ll ship anywhere in the US via USPS or UPS.

Reply to me here or send an enquiry to my hub, Bellair3D, if you’re interested. Thanks.

I am a bit surprised. I print a ton of eSun PETG on my MK2 and it is great. I’d be happy to try to assist if you want.

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Thank you. I’ve tried a variety of nozzle temps (to well above the recommended print temp as well), different layer heights, different z-offsets for the first layer, reducing the extrusion multiplier, a couple different filaments as you can see, and probably a couple more things.

And it something happens nearly every time where it either gets stuck in nozzle or hot end or PTFE tubing and the extrusion gear thing grinds away at it until it’s not putting enough pressure on it to push it down into the hot end and/or lodges it so well into the PTFE tubing that I then have to go replace the PTFE tubing.

All other materials I print work without a problem.

That is odd. How old is the printer? Which extruder? Is it the V6 Full?

What slicer?

Printer is about 8 months old and I was running into these problems with PETG a few months ago and haven’t printed with it since. It’s just the regular extruder that came with the printer, and how would I determine that the V6 is full or not? I primarily use Cura as a slicer, can’t remember if I tried other slicers when I was troubleshooting petg or not.

Probably the V6 Full.

If you wanted to you might give the Prusa edition of Slic3r a try and select the .2 normal and the PET profiles. Most of the settings should be pretty good.

Ok thanks I’ll give that a try.

In case you’re curious, did a bunch more testing and it turns out both of the eSun spools I am using are very undersized, one is 1.7mm diameter and the other is roughly 1.6mm and I think that was really throwing the printer off. So I adjusted that in the slicer, am also under-extruding a bit, and needed to turn on the cooling fan for smaller parts and so far have been printing fine.

I find my eSun generally runs in the 1.71 area.