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Dec 2015

Just picked up some of ColorFabb’s “XT” filament which, in the description, is a PET material. I currently have PET+ spools from MadeSolid. Reviews and testimonials for the XT are saying use a cooling fan while printing, while the PET+ recommended settings are similar to ABS (with enclosure). My PET+ prints are a bit stringy, so I am wondering what settings people are using for the best results ?

  • created

    Dec '15
  • last reply

    Jan '16
  • 4


  • 1.8k


  • 5


Hey Nate,

I usually print my XT quite toasty, on 260°C hotend and 70°C bed temps. Taking it a little slower is also a good idea, above 40mm/s the material starts to excessively glob up behind/around the nozzle. Slower retracts should also make your prints less stringy.

Let me know, if this improved things for you.



I print my PETG @ 240-250°C and 50-60mm/s and 100° C Printbead temperature. My extusion multiplyer is 1.10. Everything is fine until now.

1 month later

Hi Adam,

Gijs from colorFabb here. We can definitely help you find better settings for printing with our XT material, I imagine it’s quite different from PET+. Just let me know which 3d printer you’re using and if you could share the STL file that would be great!
