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Oct 2015

Hi fellow Pegasusers!

I created this thread to crowdsource information in regards to the pros and cons of 3rd Party Resins for the Pegasus SLA; FSL3D is currently censoring their forums related to this $pecific topic. If you are using Resin that is NOT stock, it would be super sweet if you would post in this thread answering the following questions:

1. What is the Brand of SLA Resin?

2. TLDR Version; Does it work? [Yes/No/Sort of]

3. Which type, if applicable, is it that you’re using? (Casting, Tough, G+, etc).

4. What is the direct link to this site to purchase this Resin?

5. Are you using a PDMS or SuperVat?

6. Have you changed any settings in Retina Create? If so, what was changed?

7. Have you noticed any changes with the VAT shelf life (faster decay, etc.) since using this Resin?

8. What is the part quality like with this Resin? (Is it “gummy”? Solid? Filmsy?)

9. Does your part cure properly? If so, what method did you use?

10. If possible please attach a sample part with the Resin used.

[Other Thoughts]

Lastly if you have any other feedback or overall comments in regards to the Resin, feel free to add it to your thread.

Thanks to everyone who contributes!

Thanks to anyone who contributes!

  • created

    Oct '15
  • last reply

    Jul '17
  • 4


  • 1.7k


  • 4


3 months later

I have been given a bottle of resin to try and review. Stay tuned for a full review!

27 days later
8 months later

I’m using MakerJuice G+ for my open source firmware on the pegasus touch…

http://github.com/doobie42/pegasus3dprinter 18

Calibration prints are looking decent. Using slic3r to slice STLs to gcode… has some issues (mainly around getting supports right).

10 months later

I’d also be interested in a review of this resin for Pegasus printers. The FSL version seems too thick for it’s own good. It was so viscous it picked up the SuperVat and spilled resin all over it’s inards. Took 2 days to clean. A thinner resin would be better. I took a chance and thinned the stuff I had using a half capfull of paint thinner, shook it hard, then refiltered twice through a coffee filter! Resin is sooo smooth now. I havent tested in the printer yet but did some drip tests in my UV lightbox and it’s still nicely UV sensitive.