I am looking into 3D printing with PCL (polycaprolactone). We have been able to extrude pellets into filament with a Filastruder and Filawinder setup (rather small ranging from 1.3mm-1.4mm diameter). Not having any luck trying to print with a Replicator 2X though. I know the feed rate must be increased and the extruder temperature adjusted, but not having any luck at the moment. All other forums with pre-made PCL have supposedly done okay with 130C extruder temps and 25-45C heated plate temps (which we have tried), but need some guidance on this one. I believe the filament diameter is way too small and we would benefit by bumping up to trying for the 3mm filament, as the 1.75mm isn’t coming out like we would hope for. Seems like the filament isn’t holding up when being fed into the extruder due to the small diameter and it is giving out when pushed through (not having anything push through the brand new nozzle and extruder when trying to print). Fairly new to 3D printing but would like to get this going. I am thinking to shoot for a 3mm filament and some major custom adjustments in the Makerware settings. Any ideas???
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