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Jan 2018

Hi all,

I’m a teacher in a new school and I rooted out an old MakerBot Replicator with original lazer cut wooden frame.

I installed software from Makerbot but when I try to print from Makerbot Desktop it gets to 54% then says that the prit failed

I installed MakerBot Print, also, and when I stop desktop running in the backgroup MakerBot Print still cannot from the printer as a printer in the options.

Any thoughts on how to get this working??

Thanks in advance,


Have you tried running a print from the SD card? That’s the only way I run mine.

If you are, try a different card.

Did you install the newest version of Makerbot Desktop? I have a Rep 2 that performs just fine with the software it came with, but notsomuch with the newest version. Have you tried different models to print?

P.S. I have about 4400hrs on my machine and 90% of that time is printing via USB, not the SD card.

Try printing from the SD card and make sure to update the firmware on the printer. I have three of the original Makerbots and they have been the most reliable workhorses I own. But when I started out on my first one I learned quickly that many things going on with the computer can mess up a print via USB. Now I have nearly 6000 hours on my first printer and almost all of that minus a few hours was via the SD card with no issue.

if it has SD card it is a better option to print from that

Sometimes it is as simple as a bad memory card. Are you printing via USB cable or SD card? If a card, is it new? If new, you might reslice the file.

is there any indication beyond it saying print failed?

Does it just stop at a location and not go further or does it go to home and stop?

if you reprint the file does it stop at the same point every time?

What fails at 54% - the print or the slice? If it’s the print, is your computer going to sleep? That disconnects the USB.

I would avoid updating the firmware if possible. It’s kind of a pain with the Rep 1.

Makerbot Print doesn’t support legacy printers very well; as far as I know, it does not support dual extruders at all. I would suggest uninstalling it and installing its predecessor, The Desktop App. Here is a link: https://support.makerbot.com/troubleshooting/makerbot-desktop-software/software-download/download\_12190

If you are printing from an SD card, try reformatting it.

When buffering to the printer, it actually goes to the “post processing” phase and then says it fails.

It doesn’t seem to have an SD port that I can use. (Although the does have that option on the R1 display.)

Going to try you link when I get home. Thanks for the help. I’ll update later.

When buffering to the printer, it actually goes to the “post processing” phase and then says it fails.

It doesn’t seem to have an SD port that I can use. (Although the does have that option on the R1 display.)

Thanks for the help so far.

It’s possible there is something wrong with the stl file. The Desktop App has example files. Try printing one of those. Start with the 20 mm cube.

Big update. I’m blind. There is in fact a SD port on the side that I somehow overlooked… I dunno what as thought.

When I get an SD card to try it out I’ll update.

Thanks for everyone’s help so far!!