Hello. Any suggestions on how to draw an ogive nose cone using 123Design? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jun '16last reply
Jun '16- 7
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Hello. Any suggestions on how to draw an ogive nose cone using 123Design? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey there,
Do you have to use 123Design? It’s a bit clunky to work with, in my opinion, and a better (but still free) alternative is OnShape. As long as your files aren’t too large, it’s free to use their platform and it’s about as close as you can get to the more expensive CAD programs. You just go to their site, set-up an account and you’re good to go.
If you want, I’d be more than happy to design the part for you as long as you can provide specifications about the required dimensions, application of the part, etc. Feel free to contact my Hub and we’d be happy to help you!
Why thank you. I did check out OnShape and I’m certainly going to give it a try.
Here’s a description of the nose I’d like to have drawn:
length 4.35”, Outside diameter, .98”.
Coupler at the base of the nose, .945” diameter, 1/2” long… Also as hollow as possible and still be able to be modeled.
What do you think? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again
Tom C
Hi there!
So as a quick disclaimer before going further, at the absolute minimum the part’s walls have to be 0.4 mm or 0.0157" thick (the width of the nozzle opening on the printer’s extruder). Something this thin will be extremely fragile so I’d suggest at least doubling, if not tripling that.
If you want me to model it for you, reach out to my Hub directly and we’ll work out pricing from there. Or you can try it yourself; plenty of people print and design model rocket nose cones so I’m sure you can find good, detailed information out there. You might even be able to find a model on the various model hosting sites available (yeggi, thingverse, myminfactory, pinshape, etc.). Good luck!
Hello. Please triple that amount. This is actually for a friend so I will recommend you printing it for him but a file of the finished product would be deeply appreciated.
I can definitely do the file design work as well, but I will need to give you a quote for the cost of the design and work out payment for the design file. You can contact me through my Hub directly (if you go to my Hub’s profile at https://www.3dhubs.com/new-york/hubs/enza3d, there’s a button that says “Contact This Hub”) or shoot me an email at hubs@enza3d.com and we’ll get this going for you!
Thanks. This was actually for a friend. I forwarded you this info. His name is George Gassaway and hopefully he will be contacting you soon.
Great, thank you! Glad to have helped!