First of all, It is nice for me to meet you all on this Website!
Hello, thanks for your proposal of help for dealing with the German Language in I’m understanding a good part of the message, but struggling to have a complete picture in reasonable timings.
Ideally, It could also be worthy to think about a English-Written-Section in, but the decision is up to the Administrators of that Blog.
Personally I bought a RF1000 V2 in the last July2015. The V2 version was already having a certain number of improvements respect to the early version; as you anticipate, the RF2000 should be having further implemetations. Beside this, my purpose is to launch somewhere a thread dedicated to the RF1000 to RF2000 modification.
It should not be that hell of a job because:
- the electronics of the RF1000 is having already all the needed channel embedded (5th Motor Drive, Resistance Output and Thermal sensor Input for the second Extruder),
- there is already available the latest firmware in common for the two models, it’s just the matter to see how the recognition process will be made, comparing the two schematics when the RF2000 one will be available
- the HW difference of the “multi-color” LED driving capability of the RF2000 could be somehow averrun (again, shematics will be needed of the new RF2000 version…).
- the packing-list for the RF2000 should be available, allowing the owners of the elder version to purchase what’s missing (carriage parts, new motor and extruder, new fan assy and, eventually, the much more clever top filament holder of the new model.
I had a formal answer from Conrad that this modification is not supported, but I reject the concept to withstand a second purchase of such an expensive equipment just for having this extra feature! It sounds ludicrous.
Please tell me what do you think about this matter. Many thanks!