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Mar 2018


I’m working with an Objet24 and till yesterday all was fine. One day I printed a lot of articles. Next day morning the printer-program in the embedded WindowsXP (alaris.exe) starts, is shown in the status line for a couple of seconds and… dissapears from status line. No start, no printer control window.

And I changed DEFINITELY nothing on the Objet printer nor on the XP-installation.

Any ideas?



  • created

    Mar '18
  • last reply

    Aug '18
  • 1


  • 699


  • 2


6 months later

Hi Easy

Hopefully you’ve resolved this issue by now but if not then the below may help.

I’ve seen this happen when the parameters for the software get corrupted.
The Server Computer holds backups of the paramter files (go to C:/ and search for backup, its normally in objet studio folder zipped up)
they are all date indexed, select the latest one then the printer was operating and copy it over to the printer

on the printer, make sure the software isnt running (check the toolbar as sometimes the GUI opens offscreen) ,in c:\alaris rename the folders Configs and modes (i like to add _old to the end) and copy across those folders from the backup

Try and start the software again (you may need to reboot)