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Jul 2015

Hey guys, pretty new to the printing community, recently bought a used Zim by ZeePro. After some tweaking. Here is what I got…

The side touching the print bed.

Vs. the other side

From the look of it, the bed (z-axis) moved down way too much, so the nozzle is much higher than it should be, and the new layers just kind of sag onto the first one. :confused:

Hmm, what do you guys think? is it possible to use a G-code commend to limit the Z axis height progression? ( it seems like z-axis stepper motor took the nozzle too high) the print setting is at 0.2mm layer height (supposedly, but it moved up at least 0.5mm-1mm, you can tell the large gap between the nozzle and the first layer). 0.35 mm nozzle, 1.75mm filament.

Using Repetier-Host and Slic3r,

  • created

    Jul '15
  • last reply

    Jul '15
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I’m guessing that it has something to do with the mm per step setting in your 3D printing software you can look up how to change that for most printers so that my suggestion,

good luck with your problem I hope you find a fix.