Can i use other resins for example: FunToDo blends ?

And if yes - how??Only refill the original bottle or do i have to clean it before?

please help :o)

Thanks for your time!!

So we started out with the Nobel 1.0 and quickly switched printers as material costs were through the roof. Their resin is subpar, so we would just fill their bottles up with MakerJuice. We got sick of paying $120 for a litre from XYZ, and then another $55 for a litre from MakerJuice, so we contacted XYZ. We told them how their resin was too thick and would pull the parts away from the build plate. We mentioned how we wanted to use MakerJuice as it was much more fluid and awesome quality. After a week, they told me their resin was just fine and I needed to repeatedly recalibrate and level the build plate. After I told them we work with a team of engineers and this was the equivalent to “turning off and back on again”, we asked if we could just purchase their NFC tags so we could use our own resin but they would still make pure profit off of it. They declinedon’t saying it was strictly against policy and we quickly sold the Nobel 1.0. So TL;DR, you can use other resins, but you still have to buy their resin first, empty the bottle, and put your alternative resin in. It gets really expensive.

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Hi thanks for this info! I was plan to buy this printer but now i Will cancel forgot it and put my eyes on the form 2

Yes, but the issue is that you can’t reset the RFID tag on the bottom of the bottle, if it reads 0% you can’t print.

Basic answer: no. The bottles have an RFID chip on the bottom which is used to confirm it is “genuine” factory material as well as keep track of the volume in the bottle. So when it becomes empty (by the removal of resin through the filling system) you can’t refill it and start over - that is unless someone comes up with a reset device for the chip.

Having said that, you could empty a bottle of factory resin (either full or partially so) and replace that with whatever resin you’d like to try. However, the chip still gets changed and thus your factory resin is orphaned as a result. The other issue is that you can’t do much to exposure times and such, so if the new resin doesn’t respond in the same manner as the factory material, then your results may be unacceptable.

The other way this could change is if there was a non-xyzprinting client software that drove the machine. For DaVinci FDM units, the commercial program ($149) Simplify3D is not constrained by the filament DRM system. However, I do not know of a universal SLA equivalent to Simplify3D so far.

Yes and no. The Nobel 1.0 uses RFID tags on the bottom of the bottles to identify the resin and keep track of how much has been used. It’s possible to use the tag with a third party resin but once the machine registers the tag as used you will need a new tag. Its not cost effective but I did it once to mess around with a flex resin. If you do decide to do it just take an empty bottle and clean it with 90% iso alcohol. Make sure it’s really clean and dry. Then replace the old tag on the bottom with a new tag from an unused bottle. You can mess with the laser settings to get a proper cure.


The 3d print of the “Lucky 8s” on your page. Was that printed on the Nobel, if yes could you talk about it. What’s size is it, the layer res you used, Where you happy with the Nobel print?

thanks, mick

Dose anyone know of a forum dedicated to the Nobel?

It is an old post but I will ask: Do you remember what kind of MakerJuice you were using in your XYZ?

Also does it needs different setting for different colours resin?

Thank you,


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I experienced the same thing with my Nobel 1. The prints were not sticking due to the viscous nature of the resin. I dumped out the resin into a mason jar and filled with Maker Juice and the prints were incredible. I dont want to loose this SLA type engine due to the excellent results.

I looked into the DaVinci RFID hacks that people were doing and even purchased a logic analyzer to read what was going on with the RFID tags so I could reset them or place and infinity number for status (ffffffff). However, the results have been mixed.

Tho other thing I looked as was to get a Arduino Ramps board and a galvo controller to put the controllers on the outside for use with programs like Simplify 3D. I have the parts but have not spliced in yet.

Currently I am buying their resin bottles and filling with MJ.

Too bad. This printer could have been an awesome inclusion to the maker community. But proprietary nature of accountants pushed this into a no go for a lot of people.

Do you remember which Maker Juice you used with good results on the Nobel 1.0?

I am ready to try switching resins but cant decide what resin to get from them…
