Waht is your advice to buy? Nobel 1.0 or formlabs 1+. For jewelry. Thanks
Jan '17last reply
Feb '17- 3
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Waht is your advice to buy? Nobel 1.0 or formlabs 1+. For jewelry. Thanks
Hi @Namnkani_Ibrahi,
It would be helpful to know a little more about what you intend on making. Will you be using the prints for casting? How often do you plan on printing? How experienced are you?
Thank you for answering. Yes I will use the printer for casting. And I am a new user in 3d printing, And use it to print jewelry designs always.
I have the Nobel 1 for over a year. Had some issues it. The file sizes are limited so dont think about making anything large. Also the resins are RFID tagged on the bottles and the software is very closed source. Have not been able to get a separate tray for separate resins from the company. The trays and platform have issues of proper adherence and release for parts. You will mess with it a lot before getting a usable result. For exactness of parts the resins they have compress and shrink. So dont expect exact tolerances. The Formlabs is a lot more community supported and lots of solutions to get the results you want. I wish I had gone the Formlabs route instead of the Nobel 1 in all frankness.