Work flow has tailed off to zero - is anybody else suffering in the same way?? I don’t believe I have done anything wrong but work has completely dried up - any advice??
Aug '16last reply
Aug '16- 7
- 648
- 5
- 15
Work flow has tailed off to zero - is anybody else suffering in the same way?? I don’t believe I have done anything wrong but work has completely dried up - any advice??
Ive been doing ok. But sometimes could go a week or so with nothing, then all of a sudden a rush of orders. Maybe once school starts back up people will have projects that need printing.
Summer months are much slower than the rest of the year, I am starting to see things pick up in Seattle.
Does even people get orders here? I’ve been up for a few months now, and I’ve had nothing. Even though I think my profile/hub is pretty complete/updated/clear etc? Any tips?
To clarigy - I’m in the UK - looks like we have responders from the US - different type of market - anybody from the UK having problems?
Ive got orders. The bulk is repeat customers though. But just having a hub doesnt always guarantee orders will flow through. There is multiple factors, your location - could be oversaturated with hubs, community - there might not be a printing need or interest in the area, price - what are you compared to others.
Cheap compared to others - but then I am a large Location - Birmingham UK - any suggestions would be much appreciated.
I think it comes down to finding ways to promote your hub yourself - telling family/coworkers/friends, advertising in local classifieds. The other thing is that if you are brand new people are less likely to risk you. What I suggest as a strategy for hubs with 0 or no customers is to set your price really low, like .20/cm for a high layer height, to at least bring in a few reviews. You may lose money or break even but having a few positive reviews will help bring in future customers and then you can raise your prices.