Marvin printed with:

  • White PLA,
  • Layer height 0,3
  • Nozzle/Bed temp 194/64°C,
  • Slicer: Cura,
  • Total print time: 39 minutes
  • On a CelRobox printer.


No, please Mr. garbage man

Marvin printed with white PLA, layer height 0,3, Nozzle/Bed temp 194/64°C, slicer Cura, 39 minutes on CelRobox printer.

Nice! How do you like the Celrobox?

Hilariousness :slight_smile:

Still learning to print and studying the Robox itself. I can’t compare the Robox with other printers, but their own Automaker software is OK. Easy to use. CelRobox has their own filaments too, but it is not necessary to use them. You can choose different types of filament, not only ABS/PLA. Because you can close the printer the temperature is stable. With the latest upgrade you can choose between slic3r/cura.

As I mentioned, a lot to learn. I frequently use their support-tickets if things go wrong. Their service is OK to me.

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Haha! Nice one! Now let’s see the BEST you can do :slight_smile:




Whahaha this cruel, just cruel… ;p

I am trying to print the Marvin to an acceptable quality for the nice people at 3DHubs HQ. This is my best shot so far, with White PLA, 0.8mm head and 0.2mm layers on my kickstarter Robox. Really impressed with your print. Do you think it might be the filament at fault? I am not using Robox original, but a 3rd party supply from Amazon. Any tips?

Hey David,

0.8mm is pretty big for such a small model. Is there a 0.3-0.5mm nozzle for the Robox?

Any idea what brand of filament you’re using? I don’t think it would be the filament alone, especially from such a reputable outlet, unless it’s a quality aberration.

Is this the best print you’ve managed to get on the Robox?

Do another print and stop half way through. Let’s see what’s going on inside.




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Thanks Andy for getting back to me. There is a 0.3mm head, yes. I find the 0.8mm fine for most prints I do, but I don’t normally do anything as small and fiddly as this. I will try again with the 0.3mm head and see what happens. I suppose I could reduce the layer height to 0.1mm too, but I was worried about setting expectations that I would be able to print like this all the time and end up with massive print times. Let’s see what happens.

I’ve just noticed your filament temperature is much lower than the Robox standard settings. You have 195 deg C and the reel comes programmed with 220. I might try a lower temperature as well then.

Hello again David,

You don’t have to advertise your service at 100uM and only 3DHubs will see a pic of your Marvin if you don’t post it on your hub so that needn’t be a concern.




I’ve now printed it with the 0.3mm head in ABS and it is much better, thanks. I don’t know why but I have shied away from the smaller head before fearing long print times, but it was actually not much worse. I guess a higher fill % would make it tricky, but at 20% it is fine. I will try PLA again, and maybe try the lower temperatures I mentioned.