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Jun 2017

Hi everybody title says it all. I have a formbot T-rex 2. I got it up and running. Printed a few test cubes and got it pretty good. I printed some other things here and there but now nothing. I use simplify 3D and I wanted to try the dual extruder. Needless to say I failed. So I figured I would try to put everything back to normal and print single for now. How ever nothing prints now. I deleted on simplify the right extruder leaving only the left “primary” and still got no movement. The command say its not reading tip temp T:0.0 E:1 W:? Any thoughts?

  • created

    Jun '17
  • last reply

    Jun '17
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Hey just to update anybody that ran into the same problem. I was suggested to put some heat cotton and tape around the heat block. Im sure that would have worked but it was late and everything was closed. So I kind of went a different route. I added aluminum foil tape to the bottom of the fan to go over the heater block. Made like a wind block for it. Now it has no problem heating up. Heats to 205 and 240 with no delay. So now Im looking into 3d something better for it. Or most likely leaving it because it was easy and effective. Thanks for everybodys helps.