Am clueless about what’s out there in 3D scanning and printing. Want get pointed in the right direction. As am investigating possibilities of getting my wife’s existing sculptures scanned & 3D printed.
Request for 3D scan and then print services. Inquiry.
I’m looking for a service that could do a 3D scanning of some of her works and then 3D print them in the same or different (smaller or larger) sizes.
If such a service exists it could be a good alternative to repeatedly casting from a mold, and offer the possibility of scaling size up or down. Although detail must be preserved this are not precision machine parts requiring tight tolerances.
Her works vary in size from approximately 8 x 4 x 4 inches to as much as approximately 18 x 10 x 10 inches.
The originals needing scanning might be in bronze, plaster, or hard plastoline.
Any output final materials might be acceptable.
Does that sound like something that might be a viable option?
If so, where would I start shopping for services that can do that?
Note that I’m in Ashland Oregon, and since the originals can be heavy or sort of fragile in some cases, would be best to find a service within one day’s drive.
Not out of question to scan at one place and print at another, I guess.
There is a search option, to search for Hubs with 3d Scanners, unfortunately they don’t mention what the accuracy or size limit of the scanning device is,
you might want to contact some hubs and ask what they can do , and what size they can scan, good luck
Here are some hubs that I think are located in your surroundings:
I noticed that Xeno provided you with some good suggestions! Here you can find more Hubs that are offering a scanning service.
I’ll tag your post with the 3D scanning category, I’m quite sure that some Hubs will get in touch with you.
This is our expertise. We’ve helped dozens, maybe even hundreds, of artists do just this. Unfortunately we’re across the country from you so may not be easy for us to help you, but we can try. You can see examples of our work here: 4. We’ve been doing this for over 20 years, believe it or not. We work with some of the biggest (and smallest) artists, museums, galleries, and fabricators in the country.
We know folks around the country so perhaps we can help in that way. We can help by making sure you get the right information on how this should be done, what tools, specifications, etc. for both the scanning and the reproductions. Once scanned locally to you, we could help with the post-processing so that the final digital models are re-touched properly.
Feel free to email your contact info to us and we’ll call you to discuss. Send an email to