I am new to the game and have been printing for a couple weeks now. but i am now working with abs and could use a few tips on making better finished products. I have completed a few prints with the abs, but they are sloppy. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Hey @Maidyn, welcome! Since you’re new to 3D printing, you might find our introduction to 3D printing page useful. Check it out here 1. You’ll find everything you need to know about different technology used as well as materials. Hope it helps!
Check this URL 1 it’s a comprehensive guide for beginners you should like it - if you want to get more about 3D printing you can also visit http://blog.zmorph3d.com/ 1 hope I helped you a little!
Welcome to the 3D printing world! ABS can be a finicky material. Remember it likes to print hot, and remain hot! reduce any drafts, and enclose your build area as much as possible. The above links that others posted are great reading material!
If your printer is enclosed, your extruder should be between 230-250, always start low and up your temps by about 5C. For ABS I usually keep my bed at about 100C.