I am new to printing and 3d modeling and I have been thinking of printing out an immortan joe mask for Halloween. here is the design from thingverse that I found and I would like to know if there is anything I would need to modify before printing it out.
That looks like an awesome project and in the made section of the Thingiverse page I can see some really nice paint jobs as well! Looks like the model has already been optimised for printing and it looks just about ready to go.
Yes. Learn a little about Tinkercad (www.tinkercad.com); set up an account (it’s free) and learn how to resize objects to specific dimensions. Estimate where this mask will contact your face (seems to be around the jaw joint area) and ask someone to measure the straight-line distance between those 2 points on your face (in millimeters; most times I use digital calipers for this but they might not work for a face…). Then add about 15 mm for the padding you’ll want inside the mask when you wear it. Upload the mask to Tinkercad and resize it per what you’ve learned above. Then download it for 3D printing (using the STL format) and proceed to 3D printing. None of this will affect the printability of the mask – you’ll only be changing it by 10% at most. Then print it out, paint and pad it, and wear it joyously at Halloween – and then bring it to Houston Mini Maker Faire on 11/12-13 so we can all admire your handiwork!